Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Forex Trading Vs. Other Investments

By Anamika Gupte

Now a days Forex or foreign exchange has become more popular among the investors, there are reasons why investors choose Forex trading rather than investing somewhere else.
The following are some rewards and benefits of Forex Trading when weighed against the other investments:

Income possibility gets unlimited:

Each day, around two trillion dollar in variety of currency is traded in the foreign exchange market. This made Forex the largest financial market in the world and in terms of liquidity, it leaves the shares and the stocks way behind.

Owing to this vast size of the market it is very difficult to manipulate about the market, so this gives you the potential to earn unlimited. As this type of investing in foreign exchange is among the most stable one.

Forex market is always running:

Trading in the Forex can be made anytime, whether it is night or day it does not matter. The market is open for 24 hours. The reason is that the banking organization is available to the customers in the different time zones across the world. This gives good opportunity to the individuals who are looking to earn in their spare time. As most of the people have their jobs in the day time so they can their Forex trading in the evening time.


The transparency of the Forex market is very high; here everyone can search for the real time news about the Forex market. With the help of this real time news Forex investor can have his own analysis of his risk management and can make strategy to avoid it.

Low initial investment:

Even an investor can start his trading with small amount (minimum of $300) in the Forex. This is a very good idea for the new investors to have a look at the market with the small amount of money.

No exchange and commission fees:

No transaction and commission is being incurred in the Forex trading. Most of the broker offers trading on the commission free basis. The cost which a Forex trader needs to pay is taking on the position in spread. The difference between the ask price and the bid price is what spread is. The quoting is done in pips (1/100 times of one percent). For some of the transaction it may be very low, say a pip for some of the pairs.


If you make an investment in the stock market the quantity of stock you are allowed to trade depends on the amount of money you have. This is not the case with the Forex. In the Forex you are having a high leverage to trade in foreign currencies. Let us take an example you would require only $100 if you want to trade for $10000 of currency. This gives the margin lending ratio of around 100:1.

Forex Trading if performed with excellence and if you continue with the new learning process to excel in Forex trading, you are sure to earn profits. Although, there are certain aspects and factors you should be careful of in Forex Trading as well.
Forex Review Hub will be able to provide you more information, articles, software guides and tips on forex trading.
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