Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Forex Trading Method - A Simple Method You Can Use to Make Big Trading Profits

By Samuel Leslie Berkovits

If you want a method you can learn in a few weeks, apply in 30 minutes a day and which makes big profits, then you will love the method enclosed. This method is very easy to understand and is based on timeless logic so let's take a look at it.

First, we need to look at some facts about Forex trading price movement and there are two constants in Forex markets and there the following:

1. Forex markets trend long term and you can see this on any chart.

2. All the big trends start by breaking resistance to new market highs and continue trending up and breaking new market highs as the trend progresses.

So we can see that markets trend long term so we need to lock into these trends which can last for many weeks or longer and the way to get in on these trends is to buy breaks to new market highs.

That's simple enough but most traders don't buy breakouts!

They think they have missed to start of the trend, so they wait for prices to come back but look at any big trend and you will see, they don't and the result is these traders who wait, never get in on the big moves and profits.

With breakout trading, you are never going to buy the exact turn but as this is impossible it doesn't matter, your aim is to make a profit and breakouts will do just that, by putting the odds on your side and getting you on the right side of all the big trends.

When doing this form of trading, its the more tests the better and if there widely spaced apart in terms of time, that increases the odds of success.

As long as markets trend, trading breakouts will work and get you in on all the big trends and profits, so trade breakouts and get on the road to a great second or life changing income.


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