Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Believing these Six Myths will Slash Your Currency Trading Profits

Below you will find the six common beliefs followed by the bulk of traders - and if you believe these myths as well, then they will restrict your chances of making significant currency trading profits.

Ninety percent of currency traders believe at least one or more of these myths - which explains why ninety percent of traders don’t make much profit by trading currencies!

1. You should always be in the Market in Case you Miss a Move

Traders love excitement, and their view is, if they are in the market they may catch the big move. Well they may - but chances are they won’t.

The big trends only come a few times a year in each currency - and you should stay out the market until they come, otherwise you will take losses, and run up commissions that will deplete your account.

Wait for the big trades - patience is a virtue in trading.

2. Diversification Reduces Risk, and Increases Profit Potential

Diversification simply dilutes your profits.

You hit a big move, and your other trades that lose, or give you only marginal profits, eat up all your currency-trading profits.

You need to have confidence to go for the big moves, when they occur, and load up these trades.

Currency trading is about calculated risks - if the trade looks good, hit it hard for big profits.

3. Day Trading is Better than Long Term Trend Following, as it’s Less Risky.

Many brokers spread this myth - and why not? - They make more commission if you believe it!

You will end up having more losses than profits in your trading. You will never make enough money in a day to cover your inevitable losses. When you add in commission and slippage, it’s inevitable that you will lose.

You need to hold longer-term trends, as these yield the big profits to cover your smaller losses.

4. Timing the Market is the Correct Way to Make Profits

Timing the market means you are trying to PREDICT where prices are going to top and bottom - this is not a good way to trade and the odds are against you.

A better way to trade is to wait for the market to CONFIRM a trend is under way, and jump on board. You may not buy the bottom or sell the high, but you can catch the major chunk in between - and with currency trends lasting for many months or years, you can still get plenty of profits from the trend.

5. Markets are the Same Today as they Were Hundreds of Years Ago

Rubbish! Trends now are much more volatile than they were even 50 years ago. Why? Today, with the Internet, price information reaches every corner of the globe in a split second. This increases volatility as everyone has the same information at once - and everyone tries to enter the market at the same time.

This was not the case even 50 years ago - the trends are still there, but volatility is much higher - traders get the direction of the trend right, but they find themselves stopped out by the volatility. How often has this happened to you? - It happens to all traders. Look at using options to give you staying power.

6. You can use a Black Box System to Make Money

You can buy a system from a vendor for a few thousand dollars - and it can make 50 to 100% profit per annum.

These systems normally have a hypothetical track record - and use price information where the results are already known, and of course, the logic of the system remains hidden from you - as it’s unlikely to have a sound basis.

Have you ever wondered why these vendors sell systems, when they could simply get a bank loan and trade their own systems?

Enough said on this one!

How about some Positive Advice?

If you want to make big currency trading profits, you need to do it for yourself.

Get a plan you have confidence in, and execute the plan with discipline - and have the courage to trade for large gains when they occur.

Good luck!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

FOREX Currency Systems – Four Tips to Pick a System that Makes Money

With the many FOREX currency systems available, you can in theory, simply turn your computer on and follow the signals to generate automatic profits.

That’s the theory - but the fact is, there are many FOREX currency systems sold that are obvious scams, and the systems will never work.

This article aims to give you tips on picking systems that can make money, and avoid the scams.

There are two main reasons why most FOREX currency trading systems fail to live up to their Hype:

1. Black Box Systems

These are systems where the logic is not revealed to the buyer - and for a FOREX currency trading system to be used successfully, the trader must have confidence in it.

If you don’t know the logic of the system, you will not have the confidence to follow it when a losing period occurs.

You need to follow a system rigidly to make money - otherwise you may as well not have a system in the first place.

Using a FOREX Currency trading system is all about having the discipline to follow the system - and if you don’t have confidence in the logic, you will never do this.

2. Curve Fitting and Optimization

Another indication of a currency trading system that is a scam, is one that involves curve fitting, or optimization.

These systems give a fantastic performance in back testing - because of the tweaking of the system rules, to make them fit the data, and produce profits.

A trader once likened this to shooting holes in a barn door, and then drawing circles around every hole - to make each shot look like a bull’s-eye.

Let’s face it, we would all be millionaires, if we had tomorrow’s news today - but we don’t.

Avoid any system that offers unique rules, or many variations for trading different markets.

If the system is based on solid logic - it should work on ANY trending market, and should not be optimized, or curve fitted to an individual market.

You will never see a hypothetical performance that fails!

Most unscrupulous vendors achieve great performance by making the system fit the data - and this causes the system to fail in real time trading.

Here are four tips, to help you separate out the scams, from the good FOREX currency-trading systems:

1. The Rules and Logic are Fully Explained

You will then have confidence in the system when it suffers a string of consecutive losses.

2. Some Evidence of a Real Time Track Record

Has the system has made money in the real world of trading?

This is the acid test of a system. If there is not a real record, look for a hypothetical audit done in real time - many systems do this before launching, and this gives a good indication of how the system will perform.

3. Look for Simple Systems

There is absolutely no correlation between how complicated a system is, and its profit potential. In fact, simple systems tend to work best, and will tend to be more robust in the brutal world of trading.

Most of the top FOREX currencies trading systems are based on simple logic.

4. Avoid any Optimized System

As already mentioned, if the system has sound principles, and then it should work on a broad spectrum of financial instruments - avoid any system that optimizes individual markets.

Not all FOREX currency trading systems fail - but if you want to get one that works, be realistic and do your homework first.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

An Overview Of Forex Trading

Forex, is an exchange that allows investors to trade national currencies through the foreign exchange. This is the worlds largest market for currency, based on the Dollar, anywhere between 1 – 2 TRILLION dollars are traded upon this market on a daily basis. This type of trade is typically performed online or on the telephone. By taking advantage of the world wide web, you are enabling yourself to make your investments in a reliable, easy, safe and fast way.

Some investors are able to enjoy returns of around thirty percent on a monthly basis, this takes a great deal of experience to gain this type of enormous return on your investment. The Forex market does not have one specific place of trade like many of the other markets do, for this reason alone is why most of the trade is performed by internet, fax, or telephone. In the beginning for currency trade was not all that popular, they were bringing in only about seventy billion dollars on a daily basis, with the invention of Forex, that number grew massively.

Of course, the currencies do not only deal with the American dollar, these currencies can be translated to over 5,000 currency institutions world wide, which include, commercial companies, large brokers, international banks, and government banks. Many major countries have forex trading centers such as, Frankfurt, London, New York, Paris, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Bombay to name a few.

When trading online there are many benefits such as, the ability to trade or track your investments at anytime day or night, from anywhere within the world that offers an internet connection. Another added benefit, is that some online exchange sites allow you to start with a small investment, known as a mini account, some with as little as two-hundred dollars. With online trading, the trade is instant. When you trade offline you have to deal with paperwork, with online trading there is no paper work involved.

The world of the internet, has allow us to do many things with just a click of a button, where else can you bank, trade, talk to your family and friends, research your investments and earn money all at the same time? Make the internet work in your best interest by implementing online trading into your portfolio. There’s a whole world of money waiting for you to earn with your online investments, and it’s all available at the click of your mouse button.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Electronic Currency Exchange: Trading Digots for a profitable living

First of all, if you're just finding out about electronic currency exchange trading, then probably you're still asking "what in the world does this electronic currency business is", and most importantly, "how do I make money from it?" Well, you are reading this at the right time, because electronic currency exchange is a business that is expanding and offering new ways to profit from it. This means that in the next months learning how to trade digots will prove to be more profitable than it is today. But what does "digot" mean? Digot is the value of a given currency when using the electronic currency exchange system. So if your account is in dollars, then a digot will stand for a dollar. If you are reading this, it means you are interested in making more money, and I must congratulate you, because electronic currency exchange is a fantastic vehicle to make money without much work required. This is why some people call this opportunity the anti-business. If you like the old saying "the less you work, the more you make" then you will love the electronic currency exchange business. Let me explain how it works: You get started with whatever amount of money seems reasonable to you. I got started with $200, but I've heard of people getting started trading digots with amounts ranging from $50 to $10,000 so it's entirely up to you and what you can afford. Keep in mind that the more you start with, the faster you will see profits, so it may be worth not buying that new PC to put in as much as you can from the start. After you have the electronic currencies set up, every 24 hour period you will generate from 2 to 4 percent of your investment. What makes this system so profitable, is that you have the option of reinvesting your profits, so that you gain interest of what you gained interests the day before AKA "Compounded interest" over your digots. It's very easy to see how your money can have the snowball effect and turn into a truly automatic cash machine. When I was looking to get started, I started with an online course, so I had no learning curve. This is the path I recommend, but if you are short of money, you can also exchange your time and efforts and research online for how to trade ecurrencies.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Accepting Losses With Grace

The lack of a proper trading plan which includes precise rules for entering and exiting a trade will most certainly guarantee failure over the long term. Beginners usually suffer from the same common ailments. They abandon trading plans purely on impulse because things are not going exactly as how they had envisioned. Repeatedly they use unreliable methods that fail to produce a profit. Many traders hold on to losing positions telling themselves “it is going to turn” when every indicator says otherwise because they cannot bear the thought of a loss.

Why do they torture themselves? Why don’t they just identify what’s going wrong and make a change? For some people recognizing that a trade or even a trading method is not working and making a change is easy, but for others it’s very difficult. They have to look at their limitations admit that they have made a mistake and that’s hard because it hurts our ego. Psychologically it’s risky, it’s often easier to fool ourselves. Just keep going, living in a state of denial until your account is depleted. If you recognize any of these traits in yourself you must stop trading immediately.

Take a good look at what has been happening, try and identify the problem. If you look close enough you may see a pattern. This is why it is vital to record every trade and as much information about it as possible. You have to break out of old patterns and see things in a new light.

You will never be a successful trader if you continue to live in a state of denial. What can be done to return to reality? There is a lot you can do. First of all make sure you are not trading under stress. When stressed out you can’t see clearly, you become rigid and unable to see alternative views. One of the easiest solutions is to trade smaller. The smaller the trade the less the stress, especially for the beginner. If you are experienced and in a loosing streak reduce your contracts until you get your confidence returns. Some people need to take a break altogether. Get away from it all. Take your mind off the trading.

The second thing you can do is to make sure you have a life. Trading can be addictive especially when you are winning. Do not put all your emotional eggs in the trading basket. You need to have other roles that give your life meaning and purpose. By defining your identity in a variety of ways, you will not place un-natural importance on trading events. Therefore, you will be able to take losses in stride and look at your trading more objectively.

Finally, radical acceptance is a key mental strategy for coping with market uncertainty. Many traders make the mistake of thinking they can control the markets. Nobody can control the markets. We must learn to accept anything that comes our way and to trade accordingly. Adopt the attitude that trading is a journey and that all we can do is go where the markets take us.

To succeed on this journey you cannot afford to lose too much. Manage risk and just accept what you get and enjoy the ride. This way you will trade more freely and creatively. Don’t live your life in denial. Accept your limitations, work around them, and become a winning trader. Write out your trading plan with precise entry and exit points. Most important set your stops and mentally decide you will not break them. Test your system on paper and when confident test in real time with the minimum contract size. You will have losing trades, accept them with grace and go on to the next trade.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Forex Profits by buying and selling at the same time?

This article is one of a series which looks at the advantages and weaknesses of trading using the hedged, grid trading system to trade volatile markets.

We will look at how money can be made by breaking a number of trading truths or principles; * cut your losses and let your profit run and * there is nothing to gained by entering into buy and sell deals at the same time.

The hedged grid trading system uses the principle that one should be able to cash in at a gain no matter which way the market moves. No stops are therefore required at all. The only way this is logically possible is that one would have a buy and sell active at the same time. Most traders will say that that is trading suicide but let’s take some to look at this more closely.

Let’s say that a trader enters the market with a buy and sell active when a currency is at a level of say 100. The price then moves to 200. The buy will then be positive by 100 and the sell will be negative by 100. At this point we start breaking trading rules. We cash in our positive buy and the gain of 100 goes to our account. The sell is now carrying a loss of -100.

The grid system requires one to make sure that cash in on any movement in the market. To do this one would again enter into a buy and a sell transaction. Now, for convenience, let’s assume that the price moves back to level 100.

The second sell has now gone positive by 100 and the second buy is carrying a loss of -100. According to the rules one would cash the sell in and another 100 will be added to your account. That brings the total cashed in at this point to 200.

Now the first sell that remained active has moved from level 200 where it was -100 to level 100 where it is now breaking even.

The 4 transactions added together now magically show a gain:- 1st buy cashed in +100, 2nd sell cashed in +100, 1st sell now breaking even and the 2nd buy is -100. This gives an overall a gain of 100 in total. We can liquidate all the transactions and have some champagne.

There are many, many other market movements that turn this strange “buy and sell at the same time” activity into gains. These will be covered in future articles and are covered in a free grid trading course which is available at the website for those traders whose curiosity has been aroused.

There will be more on the hedged grid trading articles to be issued regularly. Please watch this site.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Yes, You Can Start Trading Forex For Free!

Yes, it’s true, you can trade the forex markets for free and using
the same state-of-the-art software packages that professional Forex traders, around the world, are currently using to make real-time, live currency trades.

And you can also experience the same dynamic market action and go through the same process of making decisions based on breaking news, reacting to charting patterns, and tracking ones performance the same way professional Forex traders do.

And all this can be done even if you don't put any real money into your account, you won’t see any difference in how the market behaves and how you react to the market. In short, at some point, every new forex trader needs to start Demo-trading.

Once you start placing demo trades, you will learn a lot about how Forex transactions are placed. I can’t emphasize you enough, that this is a very important step for you in order to be able to learn how to become a trader. A demo account allows one to become familiar with trading procedures, such as placing Market, Limit, Stop, OCO Orders without any risk. All dollar losses or gains on a demo account are imaginary but, as mentioned above, the trading experience you acquire is not.

You should notice that making big gains in a demo-account does not guarantee profits in live trading; however, those who are not successful trading on paper rarely are successful when money is on the line. So, yes, just playing around and getting familiar with a demo account can be a great learning experience; however, you will not learn how to become a trader this way. You need to have a trading strategy.

Once you sign up for a mini-demo account, you will need to try one of the trial charting packages from the broker you choose. Any demo software you choose will do because they all have the necessary indicator tools you need. Once you have downloaded the software you can then set up your demo account and start drawing trendlines, marking support & resistance levels, monitoring moving averages, etc. This is also a very good way to get used to how orders are placed. Once you have a real trading system, you will already know how to place orders properly.

And remember, everyone makes mistakes placing orders. So you need to experiment before in a demo account so you can make your mistakes without losing any real money.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Forex And Commodities Futures And Options. What To Know Before You Trade.

The popularity of trading futures and options has been growly rapidly for several years. The ease of accessing constantly updated data online has prompted an increased fever by day traders to attempt to be successful and make money in this risky investment area. Individuals can now trade these markets with the same ease and speed as large companies.

Trading forex ( foreign exchange ) and commodity futures and options is not for everyone. It is a complex and risky business that experiences volatile price and value swings. Before you invest any money in forex, commodities futures or option contracts, you should:

• Consider your financial trading experience, goals, and financial resources and know how much you can afford to lose above and beyond your initial payment.

• Understand commodity futures and option contracts and your obligations before commiting your finances into trade contracts.

• Understand your risk exposure and aspects of trading by thoroughly reviewing the risk disclosure documents your broker is required to give you.

• Know who to contact if you have a problem or question.

• Ask more questions and gather more information before you open an account.

Commodity futures and option contracts:

A futures contract is a legally binding agreement between two parties to buy or sell a specific financial product or commodity in the future, on a designated exchange, for a specific quantity of a commodity at a specific price. The buyer and seller of a futures contract will agree now on a price for a product to be delivered, or paid, for at a specifically set date and time in the future, which is known as the "settlement date." Actual delivery of the commodity can take place in fulfillment of the contract, but most futures contracts are actually closed out or "offset" prior to delivery.

An option on a commodity futures contract is a legally binding agreement between two parties that gives the buyer, who pays a market determined price known as a "premium," the right (but not the obligation), within a specific time period, to exercise his option. Exercise of the option will result in the person being deemed to have entered into a futures contract at a specified price known as the "strike price." In some cases, an option may confer the right to buy or sell the underlying asset directly, and these options are known as options on the physical asset.

In the United States, an individual, cannot trade futures contracts and options on futures contracts directly on an exchange. A person or firm must trade on your behalf. People and firms who trade on your behalf as a customer generally must be registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

Two general categories of trading accounts:

• Individual Account. In an individual account, trading is done only for you. An individual account may be setup as either a "non-discretionary" or a "discretionary" account. A "non-discretionary" account, means that you will make all of the trading decisions and the broker may not execute any transactions without your prior approval and consent. A "discretionary" individual account, means that you give permission to the broker firm carrying your account or some third party to make trading decisions on your behalf.

You may open an individual account with a registered Futures Commission Merchant or through an Introducing Broker. An Introducing Broker may accept your orders and transmit them for execution to a Futures Commission Merchant with which the Introducing Broker has a relationship. You deposit funds directly with the Futures Commission Merchant. In an individual discretionary account, you grant power-of-attorney to a Futures Commission Merchant, an Introducing Broker, one of their Associated Persons, or a Commodity Trading Advisor to make trading decisions on your behalf.

Commodity Pool. You may also trade commodities through a "commodity pool." This means you are purchasing a share or interest in the pool, and trades are executed for the pool as a whole, rather than for the individuals who have interests in the pool. Pool participants share in any gains or losses.

If you have a dispute or a problem arises out of your commodity futures or option account, first try to resolve the problem with your broker. If that is not successful, then you have options for resolving disputes: (1) the CFTC Reparations program; (2) industry sponsored arbitration; or (3) court litigation. In selecting a particular approach, you may want to consider the cost, length of time involved and whether or not the assistance of an attorney is required. More information on dispute resolution is available from the CFTC's Office of Proceedings (202-418-5250).

A Checklist "Before You Trade":

Make sure you have:

• Clearly identified your financial goals, including the amount of risk and loss you can handle?
• Determined how much assistance and help you may want from a trading advisor in making trading decisions?
• Checked the registration status and disciplinary history of the advisor or pool you select with the National Futures Association?
• Received and thoroughly reviewed the disclosure document -- before you open an account?
• Clearly understood the disclosure document, including the statement of fees, the potential for loss, your right to withdraw your funds and the "break-even analysis?"

Make sure you ask questions for anything that you do not understand. Remember, it is your money, make sure you know where it is going.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

“How To” Start Trading The Forex Market?


The Foreign Exchange market (also referred to as the Forex or FX market) is the largest financial market in the world, with over $1.5 trillion changing hands every day.

That is larger than all US equity and Treasury markets combined!

Unlike other financial markets that operate at a centralized location (i.e. stock exchange), the worldwide Forex market has no central location. It is a global electronic network of banks, financial institutions and individual traders, all involved in the buying and selling of national currencies. Another major feature of the Forex market is that it operates 24 hours a day, corresponding to the opening and closing of financial centers in countries all across the world, starting each day in Sydney, then Tokyo, London and New York. At any time, in any location, there are buyers and sellers, making the Forex market the most liquid market in the world.

Traditionally, access to the Forex market has been made available only to banks and other large financial institutions. With advances in technology over the years, however, the Forex market is now available to everybody, from banks to money managers to individual traders trading retail accounts. The time to get involved in this exciting, global market has never been better than now. Open an account and become an active player in the largest market on the planet.

The Forex Market is very different than trading currencies on the futures market, and a lot easier, than trading stocks or commodities.

Whether you are aware of it or not, you already play a role in the Forex market. The simple fact that you have money in your pocket makes you an investor in currency, particularly in the US Dollar. By holding US Dollars, you have elected not to hold the currencies of other nations. Your purchases of stocks, bonds or other investments, along with money deposited in your bank account, represent investments that rely heavily on the integrity of the value of their denominated currency ¨the US Dollar. Due to the changing value of the US Dollar and the resulting fluctuations in exchange rates, your investments may change in value, affecting your overall financial status. With this in mind, it should be no surprise that many investors have taken advantage of the fluctuation in Exchange Rates, using the volatility of the Foreign Exchange market as a way to increase their capital.

Example: suppose you had $1000 and bought Euros when the exchange rate was 1.50 Euros to the dollar. You would then have 1500 Euros. If the value of Euros against the US dollar increased then you would sell (exchange) your Euros for dollars and have more dollars than you started with.


You might see the following:

EUR/USD last trade 1.5000 means
One Euro is worth $1.50 US dollars.

The first currency (in this example, the EURO) is referred to as the base currency and the second (/USD) as the counter or quote currency.

The FOREX plays a vital role in the world economy and there will always be a tremendous need for the exchange of currencies. International trade increases as technology and communication increases. As long as there is international trade, there will be a FOREX market. The FX market has to exist so a country like Germany can sell products in the United States and be able to receive Euros in exchange for US Dollar.


Risks of currency trading

Margined currency trading is an extremely risky form of investment and is only suitable for individuals and institutions capable of handling the potential losses it entails. An account with an broker allows you to trade foreign currencies on a highly leveraged basis (up to about 400 times your account equity).The funds in an account that is trading at maximum leverage may be completely lost if the position(s) held in the account experiences even a one percent swing in value. Given the possibility of losing one's entire investment, speculation in the foreign exchange market should only be conducted with risk capital funds that, if lost, will not significantly affect the investors financial well-being.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Forex : How To Handle A String Of Investment Losses

Everybody hates to lose and unfortunately no one is blessed with the ability of foresight, therefore losses are an unavoidable part of trading. When we enter a trade we will either be right, or wrong, and even if we broke-even we'd still be classed as being wrong - as nobody enters into a trade just to break-even! When unsuccessful traders encounter a string of losses they begin to engage in self-destructive patterns that help them escape the pain they are experiencing.

Bring to light these self-destructive actions that can help you realize what you are doing before it takes hold of your physical health. If you find yourself already engaged in these patterns hopefully this article can help you to get you back on track as quickly as possible.

What are the destructive patterns?

If you find yourself caught in a string of losses or a bad performing week/month be sure to monitor your behavior. It is during this time that you will be at your most vulnerable. You will begin to indulge in activities that at first seem harmless, but upon excessive use (or in time), begin to cause physical damage to your health.

Ask yourself the following question: during drawdown periods do I find myself over-indulging in these activities:

Food (especially junk food - e.g. chocolate, ice-cream, chips)?

Sex (includes viewing pornography)?


Drugs (includes excessive smoking)?

Laziness (find it difficult to wake up in the morning)?


All of the above taken in excessive doses can be detrimental to your own physical health (some even in small doses!).

These activities above during your losing period are only covering up the pain of confronting the true issue, and your body tries to rid the emotional pain by trying to "fix" it with physical pleasures. Unfortunately it is going about it in the wrong way, so what should you do?


You need to realize what you're doing and you need to STOP doing it immediately! You can either decide to stop, or you'll be forced to stop when your body eventually breaks down and prevents you from any form of movement. It will be much more beneficial to you in the long-term if you can decide to stop *NOW*.

Once you have stopped you now need to figure out a way to solve the pain - not by cutting out or neglecting it, but by staring it in the face. Bring your problems out into the light, be honest with yourself. There can be no growth without pain; you are experiencing the emotional pain, now it is time to find the error and therefore your growth.

Begin Your Review

The review process begins in two separate areas: You & Your System. Here are some checklists for you to go through to find out where the problem could lie:


Was your system thoroughly tested prior to trading it (or paper traded if you do not have the capacity to program your system into back testing software)?

Did you test with out-of-sample data?

Do you even have a system???? If you do not, how do you even know if the method that you are trading is even profitable??

Is your system's code correct?

Did you over-optimize your system? (What have we discussed about over-indulging?)

Did you paper trade your system prior to placing capital on it?

Did you trade with a small amount of capital prior to placing the rest of your funds on it?

Do you know the system's limitations?

Did you properly drill your system? (See our blog article on why I am the system designer from hell)


Is the current drawdown you are exhibiting with your system normal?

Are you comfortable with your system's historical drawdown performance?

Are you fully aware of the risks involved with your system and the instrument(s) you are trading?

Are you trading with funds that you are comfortable risking?

Are you relying too heavily on your performance?

Have you set realistic goals?

As you can see there are generally two areas that you need to explore: the mechanical aspect - your system - and the emotional aspect - you. Both can be responsible for making the way you feel the way you do. It will either be an error on the system's side with how the system was tested and/or programmed, or it can be your own psychological profile not being comfortable with the system's performance.

Your Answers = Change = Your Growth

What steps should we now take? Now that we have begun a corrective process where we have stopped the evil nature of our over-indulging ways to take control we should continue our "corrective nature" by invoking our findings and taking ACTION in correcting our errors.

If the problem was mechanical - fix it, if the problem was emotional either go about setting up new thought patterns, or change your current system. The answers lie in whether you need to expand your knowledge in system development, or whether you need to grow emotionally as a person.

Unfortunately there is no easy road, and even if there was everybody would be doing it. Hopefully this article has made you ponder over some of your behaviors during drawdown periods, be sure to keep an eye on yourself and as always take care of your body, because there's no use in making all the money in the world when you don't have the physical capacity to enjoy it

Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Forex Stretegy will make you 20-40% Monthly!

You have found the right one! My Forex Strategy have prove to pay a return of 40-100% per month for more then two years now. I have decided to open up for new managed forex accounts.

Don't you feel safe about transferring all your savings to a stranger?

Most Forex program required you to transfer the money you want to have traded the their account. In this way you don't have much control over your money and you have to trust the Forex managers to pay you the profit. Most of the time you don't see your money again.

I don't ask you to send any money to me at all! My Forex Managed Program works different, You set up your own account with any MT4 broker and give me access to trade the account. By the end of the month you pay me the profit. Yes that's correct. You are the one with the control over the money. You never have to trust a Forex manager again for getting your profit. Since the money is in your account I can not take out any of the money!

What is your trading strategy and how does it work?

I use a combination of a break-out system and a intra-day trading system to getting the results. Part of the system is running on an EA (automated forex trading program) and part is manually trading. You can not buy the EA, and I never put it up for sale.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Beginners Forex Trading: How To Start Out Forex Trading

Forex trading is not as difficult as it is exciting and rewarding. In order to be successful in this field you must begin by understanding certain principles that any forex trader should know. When you decide to go into business, no matter the field, you must get acquainted with the essential principles that separate successful people from those who fail and forex trading is no exception.

The first thing a beginner should know is that forex trading does not bring about a spectacular return on the initial capital in a couple of months; it may take a year or more to see good results and even this period may have ups and downs, i.e. only a few number of bumper months between consecutive losing months. Being realistic is thus most important here.

The forex markets can't be controlled as they are influenced by millions of traders if not more. No one can predict the direction and manner in which the markets may move. There is a good chance for anyone to lose on many trades before gaining on one but this is no reason why you should worry. Which activity does not imply any risk at all? None. What you should learn is how to make enough money to cover for your losses and eventually manage to grow your capital. This principle will help you to wait patiently enough for the gain to come your way instead of rushing for immediate profit which might be slippery and dangerous.

One of the most important pieces of advice that beginners should take about forex trading is using a tested system of rules, something that is known to have brought money to experienced forex traders, rather than some new system which reckless traders expect to perform miracles. In this way you can be sure you will never get sleepless nights and will be able to spare time as well.

Probably the most important aspect of a trading system is money, though many people taking up forex trading tend to neglect it and concentrate on some lesser aspects. That is why you need a solid and sound money management strategy that will protect you from big losses or final account blow out.

The fundamental economic principles are meant to attract long-term reward. You must understand that and stop thinking of short-term profit as these principles will not have any effect and will not be safe to use for day trading situations.

One last thing that you should keep in mind: Do not trust the so-called experts who make comments and recommendations all the time. Forex trading may be very stressful for a beginner if he listens to different opinions which may be contradictory most of the times. If you are a newcomer to foreign exchange trading you may listen to any piece of information but you had better not believe everything you hear. The best choice is to stick to a certain system that you have chosen and trade according to it. Anything additional may cause confusion, which is lethal to beginners.

Published At: Isnare Free Articles Directory

Forex Trading Systems - Your Key to Building Wealth With Forex Trading

In my very humble opinion Forex trading systems are the very foundation of successful trading.

In brief, a trading system simply put is a set of rules or instructions to be followed in order to enter and exit a trade. Trading systems are also referred to as trading methods, trading techniques, as well as trading strategies.

Usually when we speak of trading systems we are referring to those constructed using technical analysis.

Trading systems have become even more popular as the power of personal computers have increased tremendously. The power to analyze your trading ideas has never been greater and many traders are now taking advantage of that fact.

When it comes to acquiring a trading system you usually have two choices. You can create your own or you can buy or lease a trading system created by someone else. Which route you decide to go depends on your level of skill and technical analysis, your time, and your budget.

So why use a trading system?

There are numerous reasons that trading systems have become so popular. There used by everyone from the newest trader to multibillion-dollar financial institutions. Trading systems are effective and they are here to stay.

One reason that trading systems are so effective is that they essentially eliminate guesswork. In a properly constructed trading system the trader is instructed as to when to give in, how much to risk, and when to get out. Those are the components of a very basic Forex trading system.

Knowing exactly what to do prior to entering a trade can go a long way towards minimizing the emotions associated with trading. Controlling your emotions in trading is so important there is an entire field of psychology dedicated to it. It makes perfect sense that trading can become an emotional issue, however, because money has many emotions attached to it.

Another reason that trading systems are so popular is that they are verifiable. This simply means that a trader can take their trading system and run that system on historical data to see how it would have performed in the past. While past performance is absolutely no guarantee of future results a trained technical analyst can gain valuable insight as to how a trading system might perform in the future.

There are numerous commercial Forex trading systems available for those who have neither the desire nor the time to build and test their own. These commercial trading systems are so numerous in fact that it seems that I receive a notification of a new one just about every day.

A simple word of caution when you're looking at commercially available trading systems... take your time and evaluate them thoroughly before making your purchase or lease. I say this simply because I've taken a look at many of the numerous systems that are currently available and it appears that not all of them are created equal. Some systems look great at the outset and may appear very exciting because they trade frequently. Unfortunately once you figure in the transaction costs associated with each trade the systems don't look quite as good and some of them actually even fail miserably.

The next step is to educate yourself enough to properly evaluate a trading system. By learning to evaluate trading systems effectively you can save yourself a lot of time and money in the long run.

Published At: Isnare Free Articles Directory

Forex Trading: The Perfect Forex Trading System

Trading the Forex market has became very popular in the last few years. But how difficult is it to achieve success in the Forex trading arena? Or let me rephrase this question, how many traders achieve consistent profitable results trading the Forex market? Unfortunately very few, only 5% of traders achieve this goal. One of the main reasons of this is because Forex traders focus in the wrong information to make their trading decisions and totally forget about the most important factor: Price behavior.

Most Forex trading systems are made off technical indicators (a moving average (MA) crossover, overbought/oversold conditions in an oscillator, etc.) But what are technical indicators? They are just a series of data points plotted in a chart; these points are derived from a mathematical formula applied to the price of any given currency pair. In other words, it is a chart of price plotted in a different way that helps us see other aspects of price.

There is an important implication on this definition of technical indicators. The fact that the readings obtained from them are based on price action. Take for instance a long MA crossover signal, the price has gone up enough to make the short period MA crossover the long period MA generating a long signal. Most traders see it as “the MA crossover made the price go up,” but it happened the other way around, the MA crossover signal occurred because the price went up. Where I’m trying to get here is that at the end, price behavior dictates how an indicator will act, and this should be taken into consideration on any trading decision made.

Trading decisions based on technical indicators without taking price action into consideration will give us less accurate results. For example, again a long signal generated by a MA crossover as the market approaches an important resistance level. If the price suddenly starts to bounce back off that important level there is no point on taking this signal, price action is telling us the market doesn’t want to go up. Most of the time, under this circumstances, the market will continue to fall down, disregarding the MA crossover.

Don’t get me wrong here, technical indicators are a very important aspect of trading. They help us see certain conditions that are otherwise difficult to see by watching pure price action. But when it comes to pull the trigger, price action incorporation into our Forex trading system will definitely put the odds in our favor, it will generate higher probability trades.

So, how to create a perfect Forex trading system?

First of all, you need to make sure your trading system fits your trading personality; otherwise you will find it hard to follow it. Every trader has different needs and goals, thus there is no system that perfectly fits all traders. You need to make your own research on various trading styles and technical indicators until you find a concept that perfectly works for you. Make sure you know the nature of whatever technical indicator used.

Secondly, incorporate price action into your system. So you only take long signals if the price behavior tells you the market wants to go up, and short signals if the market gives you indication that it will go down.

Third, and most importantly, you need to have the discipline to follow your Forex trading system rigorously. Try it first on a demo account, then move on to a small account and finally when feeling comfortably and being consistent profitable apply your system in a regular account.

Published At: Isnare Free Articles Directory

How Forex Trading Software Builds Your Forex Trading Confidence

here are many different options in Forex trading software. The applications have many different features and should match the experience level of the individual stock holder.
While Forex trading is generally done through an agent, it’s vital that individual traders inform themselves about Forex trading practices. Several organizations offer applications that individual traders can use to educate themselves with the various Forex trading environments and the constantly fluctuating status within them.
One of the more useful features of Forex Trading Software is that they allow the individual trader to build a demo account, which for some may be a waste of time and energy, but the experience gained from this can be very important when trading in the volatile live currency markets.
Forex programs enable the user, through the use of a temporary account, to experiment with strategies using your own knowledge and ideas in an environment that is as true to life as possible, but without the risk of losing real currency. This permits the trader to create and analyze their own unique trading tactics. Using Forex trading software allows traders to be confident and comfortable in their trading decisions. Individual traders have complete control over their trading strategy and can change it whenever they need to in order to adapt to a changing market. Returns can then be maximized and losses minimized simply by applying the investor's rules for risk management.
It is easy for a responsible trader to determine the amount of capital he or she is willing to invest on each transaction with the use of Forex trading software. As with any other investment trading, timing is crucial. Even if you have a firm hold on the current market trends, knowing when to buy or sell, can make all the difference in making money or losing money.
The investor must choose the strategy that they use to forecast the trends of the market. No matter if it is chaos theory, Candlesticks, Fundamental analysis, Technical analysis, the software can allow an investor to test different strategies, gain valuable experience using different strategies and perhaps most importantly allow for continuing education, which is vital in an ever changing global market.
Investors can use Forex Trading Software to learn to make smart, logical investments, instead of emotional ones. Trading without emotion can be difficult at times, especially when the market is down, but with a little practice, traders can learn to trust themselves and their strategies and make good trading decisions.
Now is a great time to get into trading forex. Why? Take a look at the markets right now and you will see what is happening. Pounds are going down, Yen is rising, Dollar is falling etc etc it just goes on and on. It never stops going up and down. Trends are what matter in forex. Don't worry about whether a stock will go up or down or if the CEO's speech is optimistic or gloomy, never worry about all those balance sheets or whether the company is hiding losses or will get that new contract.
Just make sure you are on the right side of the trend.
Use the software to help you and play the same way as the trend and with proper money management you can't lose.

Right Forex Trading Strategy Makes the Difference Amidst Success and Failure in Forex Trading

No singular person in their right mind would step into foreign exchange trading with both eyes tightly shut. Throwing your money into the trash bin would make about as much sense. Persons who wish to trade on the foreign exchange market should study the market. They should learn the ups and downs of trading currency. The final step should be to develop a strategy for their methods of trading. FOREX offers a free thirty day trial. The trader would be assigned an experienced trader and they are given “play” money to trade. This offer gives a great deal of hands on information.

The markets, whether dealing with foreign currency or other commodities will fluctuate widely on any given day. There is not always a way to predict how those changes will go. It’s rather like playing blackjack. Trading foreign currency can be fun and full of the unknown. The singular trader should be aware of this before setting out with real money to trade.

The level-headed person should realize that FOREX is much like gambling. You take a chance each time you make a transaction. This is why development of a strategy is so very important. First you should be fully aware of the amount of money you are willing to lose. Once you have realized that amount, there are some things you can do to help protect your initial funds. This holds no guarantee however. When you build your strategic plan you must give room for the chances of loss. This is the main reason you build in a loss amount you can handle. In other words if you cannot lose it, do not invest it!

Don’t be tempted to sink your entire investment into one type of currency. If you will take the time to study the different markets and daily trading amounts, you can make a wise decision about which ones to invest in. If you will choose several top performers, then you will like make some and lose some but not lose it all.

While you are studying the market, make clear note of the daily activities. What is the world economy doing at the current moment? Given the current economy and instability of many currencies, it would be wise to make certain of what the ups and downs are. If you can, talk to other traders. Find some singular ones and look for some corporate traders. They have concerns and will probably be glad to share them with you. They might even share some of their secrets!

One tip for your strategy - Is the money you are investing free? In other words, will you miss it? Do you need it for other investments or purchases? If you answer these with “Yes”, then you need to set a time limit for investing and profiting before you have to call it quits.

Time to buy and time to sell - There is a rhythm to the traders market. You need to study that rhythm. If you want to make a profit then you need to get inline with it. Buy at the right time and sell at the right time and you will find it’s like a dance. Like a dance with you in the lead.

Success is being prepared for anything that comes your way. Foreign currency trading can be full of surprises and great satisfaction. You can plan and strategize, but that is only as good as the market. Be prepared.

Published At: Isnare Free Articles Directory

How You Make a Living Trading the Forex Market

By: Robert Thomson

Trading the Forex market in order to make a living can be done in a number of ways. In this discussion ensures that you are seeing all your choices when looking at Forex Trading as a living. After all, the main objective of Forex Trading is to make a living.

Many Forex traders do not succeed in the main purpose of making a living because they follow a particular way of trading. The basis for this being that their ego, pride and determination to succeed at a certain process has the outcome of blinding them to other money making opportunities in Forex trading. Let's look at these Forex trading money making opportunities in more detail.

Self Trading:- The self trader is someone who generally develops a personal money making trading method. They do this by doing a few Forex trading courses, reading a few trading books, experimenting with a number of trading strategies, demo trading and live trading until they find a personal trading style in order to make a living . This process is long and challenging and it can take years to get there. It is predicted that only three and a half per cent of serious traders succeed in earning money. But once you are there you have developed a money making skill for life.

Using a Packaged Trading System:- With the increase of part time traders (who mainly have day jobs) another choice for mentioned Forex trading money making concept has become very popular. Money is earned by purchasing a legal packaged Forex trading system. The system is either sent as a live course, as an ebook or Book.

Automatic Trading:- What has become very popular these days is buying an electronic trading system which trades on a entirely automated basis. The idea is to the merely apply the rules of the system step-by-step. Although not entirely for novice traders this concept has the benefit using such a system is that it may have been carefully tested and proven and could take years off the self trading option discussed here. Some of the programmed money making Forex trading methods (for example expert advisers) can even be connected to your dealing station making the whole Forex trading money making procedure absolutely electronic.

Alert Services:-mirror the deals of someone who is already earning a living in the Forex market. These services will normally have a good and consistent money making track record. The deals can be acquired by going into an electronic trading room in a live trading environment, otherwise they can be received via SMS, emails or access to a password protected site. You would then "blindly" copy all the signals or alerts into your broker dealing station and hopefully make lots of money from that.

Money Management:- Delegate the Forex trading money making procedure completely by giving your money to a Forex trading money manager who will trade it for you.

Earning a living using the options above come with ample risk if not performed in a careful and in a thorough way. Frequently traders find themselves caught in the self trading procedure and do not even think over the other Forex trading money making options. If you are one of them, seriously think over the other alternatives. Besides the fact that they could be more rewarding they could be less stressful and less harmful to an individual in many ways.

If you are new to Forex Trading be cautious and check out all the Forex money making opportunities, because there are many if you are prepared to do your homework finding them.

Niche Article Directory:

Do You Know How To Write? If So, You Could Actually Make Money From It!

By: Ben Needles

Tons upon tons of people claim that they can write, but then you read their stuff and its either unneeded fluff or it just sounds like they have no idea what they are talking about! Dont get me wrong, Im not perfect by far. In fact Ive gotten reamed for forgetting apostrophes, or spelling words wrong! Just yesterday someone got mad at me on myspace (of all places) because on my profile I put thats instead of thats. Which is really important ya know? Because Myspace is so very important!

That was sarcasm.

Anyhow, if you actually are a good writer and you have proved yourself time and time again, and if you have a nice writing style, then you can get paid for writing! A millionaire never shares his money making secrets for free but I am willing to tell you a few things about how to make money by writing as well as a few sites to check out for more information. Thats fair, right? Firstly let me explain that Im not talking about writing blogs. Anyone can write a blog. Im talking about writing actual articles for a customer base. You have to be very versatile when writing for these people because they will ask you to write about anything from health related topics, to video games, to forex to how to make money online. Now, you dont have to be versatile, but if you are you will get more work and be respected for your versatility.

Writing articles is nice because you can make up your own business, with your own rules, and your own prices. Set up a few packages. Make sure the people get a deal if they buy more articles. Allow them to have a discount for bulk pieces. And most importantly, stick to your guns. If your doing this full time, then the money you make is helping you to live life and enjoy the things in it that you do. If you let someone shyster you into lowering your prices? Its not worth it to you. Your writing the articles, your doing the research, your the one thats going to be kicking yourself when your $100 short on bills!

There are several sites as well as books you can read about making money online by writing. One of the best sites you can go to for any literary advice or anything else writing wise is WritersDigest. This site isnt just for professional writers that have books out. This is also a great site, to make contacts, share your business with, and meet people. Mingle everywhere you go with everyone you can. Get your site out there. Get your name out there. If you want to check out a few books check these out:

How to write articles for newspapers and magazines by Sova.
How to write articles that sell by L. Perry Wilbur and Jon Samsel
Writers Digest handbook of magazine article writing by Writers Digest
Write to Publish: Writing feature articles for magazines, newspapers, and corporate and community publications by Vin Maskell and Gina Perry

You can also check out these websites for things:

WordCountTool - A great little device that adds your words up. Just copy and paste your writings, press submit and voila.
SpellCheckPlus - Great site for grammar checks! It will seriously put you in your place when choose their or there, or your and youre!
WarriorForums - A good place for any writer to visit. You can get a ton of work at this forum as well as tons of knowledge.

As said above Im not willing to give out all my secrets. But you can find several different ways to advertise your business online, as well as several sites to join in order to make some really good money by writing articles! Good luck and have fun! This is an easy business to get into but a hard one to stay in. Remember to make time for yourself as well. Dont let the words you write down on paper or the ones you type up in your articles be the only communication your getting. You will drive yourself bonkers! And further more you will burn yourself out. Been there done that!

Tons upon tons of people claim that they can write, but then you read their stuff and its either unneeded fluff or it just sounds like they have no idea what they are talking about! Dont get me wrong, Im not perfect by far. In fact Ive gotten reamed for forgetting apostrophes, or spelling words wrong! Just yesterday someone got mad at me on myspace (of all places) because on my profile I put thats instead of thats. Which is really of import ya know? Because Myspace is so very important!

That was sarcasm.

Anyhow, if you actually are a good writer and you have proved yourself time and time again, and if you have a nice penning style, then you can get paid for writing! A millionaire never shares his money making secrets for free but I am unforced to tell you a few things about how to make money by writing as well as a few sites to check out for more information. Thats fair, right? Firstly let me explain that Im not talking about writing blogs. Anyone can write a blog. Im talking about writing actual articles for a customer base. You have to be very versatile when writing for these domicile because they will ask you to write about anything from health related topics, to video games, to forex to how to make money online. Now, you dont have to be versatile, but if you are you will get more work and be respected for your versatility.

Writing articles is nice because you can make up your own business, with your own rules, and your own prices. Set up a few packages. Make sure the people get a deal if they buy more articles. Allow them to have a ignore for bulk pieces. And most importantly, stick to your guns. If your doing this full time, then the money you make is serving you to live life and enjoy the things in it that you do. If you let someone shyster you into lowering your prices? Its not worth it to you. Your writing the articles, your doing the research, your the one thats going to be kicking yourself when your $100 short on bills!

There are several sites as well as books you can read about making money online by writing. One of the best sites you can go to for any literary advice or anything else penning wise is WritersDigest. This site isnt just for professional writers that have books out. This is also a great site, to make contacts, share your business with, and meet people. Mingle everywhere you go with everyone you can. Get your site out there. Get your name out there. If you want to check out a few books check these out:

How to write articles for newspapers and magazines by Sova.
How to write articles that sell by L. Perry Wilbur and Jon Samsel
Writers Digest handbook of magazine article composition by Writers Digest
Write to Publish: Writing feature articles for magazines, newspapers, and incorporated and community publications by Vin Maskell and Gina Perry

You can also check out these websites for things:

WordCountTool - A great little device that adds your words up. Just copy and paste your writings, press submit and voila.
SpellCheckPlus - Great site for grammar checks! It will seriously put you in your place when choose their or there, or your and youre!
WarriorForums - A good place for any writer to visit. You can get a ton of work at this forum as well as tons of knowledge.

As said above Im not willing to give out all my secrets. But you can find several different ways to advertise your business online, as well as several sites to join in order to make some really good money by writing articles! Good luck and have fun! This is an easy business sector to get into but a hard one to stay in. Remember to make time for yourself as well. Dont let the words you write down on paper or the ones you type up in your articles be the only communication your getting. You will drive yourself bonkers! And further more you will burn yourself out. Been there done that!

Niche Article Directory:

Forex Pairs: Understanding How Forex Currency Trading Works

By: Ben Needles

If you want to be able to effectively trade the Forex, then you need to understand how Forex pairs work. Forex pairs is another way of saying currency pair. All trading in the Forex market is done not with individual currencies, but with currency pairs. To trade the U.S. Dollar (USD) you have to choose another currency to trade it against. This is why understanding Forex pairs is so important. Its not enough to understand one currency. You have to understand how two currencies are going to relate to one another.

The major currencies, and major currency pairs, will account for nearly 80-85% of all Forex trades world wide. The reasons for this are fairly simple and straight forward. The strongest economies are often the most stable and come from the most stable governments. This security and strength of economy is what makes these main currencies strongest and the best to trade.

Look at Zimbabwes hyperinflation as a reason why smaller nations and nations with dictators arent trusted in currency trading. There are too many variables, and an economy can completely change overnight. Governments that operate by Democracy and that are strong arent likely to fold. Economies given freedom to operate on their own also tend to work in a stable way. Even the most unstable weeks or months in the United States would have less effect on the currency than if Chinas leadership decided to shut out all foreign investment tomorrow.

This is part of the reason Chinas currency hasnt broken into the major players, while nations like Canada and New Zealand have. While its unlikely that China would have a sudden shift like this, it is possible. That type of insecurity is why Chinas Yuan isnt going to be in position to stand up with the CAD, NZD, or CHF any time soon.

The most common Forex pairs will get traded the most because the Forex market is volatile enough without the dangers of governments shutting down foreign investment, military coups, or any of the other common worries associated with these nations.

Russia fighting Georgia, China cracking down on dissent, India and Pakistan - even modern developed nations can be too unstable for good currency strength.

So when youre looking for a good currency pair to trade, dont get cute with Yuans, Pesos, or Rubles, but stay with the big dogs. They provide all the profit opportunity that a good Forex trader needs.

If you want to be able to in effect trade the Forex, then you need to infer how Forex pairs work. Forex pairs is another way of saying currency pair. All trading in the Forex market is done not with someone currencies, but with currency pairs. To trade the U.S. One dollar bill (USD) you have to choose another vogue to trade it against. This is why understanding Forex pairs is so important. Its not enough to understand one currency. You have to understand how two currencies are going to relate to one another.

The major currencies, and major up-to-dateness pairs, will account for virtually 80-85% of all Forex trades world wide. The reasons for this are fairly unsubdivided and straight forward. The strongest economies are often the most stable and come from the most horse barn governments. This security measures and strength of economy is what makes these main currencies strongest and the best to trade.

Look at Zimbabwes hyperinflation as a reason why smaller nations and nations with dictators arent trusted in vogue trading. There are too many variables, and an economy can completely change overnight. Governments that operate by Democracy and that are impregnable arent likely to fold. Economies given freedom to engage on their own also tend to work in a static way. Even the most unstable weeks or months in the United States would have less effect on the currency than if Chinas leadership decided to shut out all foreign investing tomorrow.

This is part of the reason Chinas currency hasnt wiped out into the major players, while nations like Canada and New Seeland have. While its unlikely that China would have a sudden shift like this, it is possible. That type of insecurity is why Chinas Yuan isnt going to be in position to stand up with the CAD, NZD, or CHF any time soon.

The most common Forex pairs will get traded the most because the Forex market is volatile enough without the dangers of governments closing down foreign investment, military coups, or any of the other vulgar worries associated with these nations.

Russia brawling Georgia, China not bad down on dissent, India and Islamic Republic of Pakistan - even Bodoni developed nations can be too precarious for good vogue strength.

So when youre looking for a good currency pair to trade, dont get cute with Yuans, Pesos, or Rubles, but stay with the big dogs. They provide all the profit opportunity that a good Forex trader needs.

Niche Article Directory:

Become a Forex Trader in Just 2 Weeks-00-2788

By: singaporetrader

Become a Forex Trader in Just 2 Weeks

So you are thinking of becoming a Forex Trader, well the great news is you can become a successful forex trader in as little as 2 weeks and make serious gains in around 30 minutes a day. Forex Trading is very simple and anyone can learn it.

In order to be a successful trader you don�t have to be a rocket scientist in fact any body can learn to be a foex trader. You need to understand that you can make massive money, but it doesn�t come easy you do have to put in some effort. Although you have probably read on the internet that some forex robot or Forex system can do it for you, you are only kidding yourself. Think about it if it was so great would you sell it? Probably not, in fact most people that sell it make their money from selling it, not from trading.

Let us look at how we can build a successful forex trading strategy.

The best thing that you can learn is to keep it simple as the strategies that are simple are normally the best so it doesn�t have to be complicated. So remember simple, simple, simple is the best.

You should simply follow Forex charts and learn to spot chart patterns that offer high odds trades and by far the best way of doing this is, to buy breakouts to new highs and lows. All big trends start from and continue from, these breakouts. You also will find plenty of material online about this methodology and it works.

Then when you see breakouts to confirm them use one or two momentum indicators to help you confirm the trade, if you have the momentum going your way then the odds of success are improved. This means that you are able learn how to use them in a few hours and they will visually tell you, if momentum is on your side or not.

One of the best forex trading strategies that you can use, okay you are asking what is this strategy?

If it�s that easy to learn to trade, why do 90% of traders lose their money from forex trading?

The simple answer to this - because a Forex Trading Strategy by itself is not enough to win, the trading signals have to done by the user.

You need to be able to execute your trading strategy with discipline, through losing periods and keep losses small, until you hit a home run and start making profits again.

The hard part of Forex trading is handling losses and staying disciplined. You need to understand that you cannot pick the market 100% of time so you need to prepare yourself for losses.

When it comes to dealing with losing trades, most traders get frustrated, lose confidence and start the blame game. Then they move away from their strategy and all of a sudden they are losing and before long this continues and they are broke. So if you can�t handle losses you will not last long in forex trading. So never move away from your strategy and always have discipline.

The easiest thing about forex trading is learning the strategy the hard part is the execution and discipline to be successful.
So the key thing we have tried to get across in this article is you need to educate yourself first and ensure that you have the right mindset to be successful. The difference in forex trading between winning and losing is all in your mind.

For more education lessons feel free to visit the CFD FX REPORT they specialize in providing free education lessons and can help you find the best forex broker in the market.

Niche Article Directory:

Forex Trading- Step 1 Find A Forex Broker-00-52

By: singaporetrader

Forex Brokers- The step to Find the Best

If you are really serious about making money from Forex Trading then the most vital step you can make is to find a great forex broker. So what research tools do you need to find the best forex broker

Today we look at the steps that professional traders use when selecting a great Forex Broker.

Firstly you need to understand that FOREX trading can be risky, but it does have huge potential for you to either make a lot of money or lose a lot of money. If you have been around the market awhile you will realize that not all FOREX Brokers are equal, and in fact some border being just plain rip off merchants. This can be a major turn off for many new investors, the fear of being rip off by a FOREX Broker. So how can you find a Great FOREX Broker?

The great news is that there are some awesome FOREX brokers in the market. A good place to start is finding FOREX Brokers as a referral or through a company that knows a lot about FOREX brokers.

Now if you don't feel comfortable with that and you want to do all the hard work of researching brokers yourself, then here is a list of things to look about when looking for a great FOREX Broker.

1. Make sure the FOREX Broker is validated the companies reputation- See what license they hold

2. See who the FOREX Broker is regulated with and make sure you do a search within the regulators to ensure everything is okay.

3. Check how long the FOREX Broker has been operating for, if it is a short time it maybe better to use someone that is more established.

4. See what the spread and or commissions that the FOREX Broker charge

5. Does the FOREX Broker offer stop losses, do they have guaranteed stop losses what are the charges and fees?

6. Does the FOREX Provider requite your orders? If the do stay away

7. What about slippage, if there is slippage find a better FOREX Broker?

8. Where is your money held? If it is not through a reputable bank stay away

Most importantly whatever broker you start with, start off small, test the waters these are just some of the research that CFD FX REPORTuse when looking for a Great FOREX Broker.

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How to Make Money with Auto Forex Trading

by EricStan

Auto Forex trading stands consistent to its name. Being able to make money trading even if you are resting seems questionable but it’s possible. There’s an automated form of Forex trading in which you are permitted to set up the criteria that you need in order to make your trading work.

Then you just let a software work your own trades automatically. It’s definitely a very easy system to use. All that you need to initially do is make your very own goals and just know what you really want to achieve. Basically, you must set your own principles and standards regarding what are your desired goals and what do you aim to achieve.

You must then initially write down whatever you really want then prepare and arrange it in order to utilize it with your own trading strategy. It’s very critical that you set up a trading strategy. This will function as the one that you will have to incorporate your needs that are associated with your goals that. Also, it shall help you in defining the existing rules required to set the system signals in the automated system. These are helpful keys to the success of your own auto Forex trading.

After this, you must set the system parameters accordingly with the pairings that you’ve set. With this, each system will acquire its own parameters. Also with this, you can come up with variations if you plan to change them.

Research may also be required to be able to find out the range regarding the pairings that would interest you. After you finish setting all up, you must then have to set up the stop signal. The greatest choice for this set up is to make it stop instantly when any of your own trades or exchanges is in trouble or terribly threatened.

Adding up to this, you also might need more added research to be able set up the correct signals in its proper position. Auto Forex trading systems commonly include brokers, tutorials, and other things that can aid you to set up your very own signals. Then you must test and check the signal software as soon as you’ve set it up. After you’ve done this, you will then be able to set up the program itself. Auto Forex trading system will then take care of the trades as it adheres to the signals that you set up.

Auto Forex trading is an easy way of performing Forex trading even if you’re working part time or even having a full time job. It also can serve as your own reliable personal assistant. All that you have to do is just set everything up properly and let it handle the Forex trading. There are so many effective Auto Forex trading systems, it has definitely become a very significant program for all in the Forex trading world. Getting your own Auto Forex trading program can help you in a lot of ways and you can also have more time doing other stuffs. It is such a very reliable tool.

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